Lessons of Life

👉Life is unfair. Learn to deal with it.

👉What goes around comes around. What you sow so shall you reap. That’s called Karma.

👉Best things happen when you least expect.

👉Never lose yourself in the complex game called LOVE.

👉Be humble. Be generous. But don't be a doormat.

👉Failure is just another season of life. It is essential.

👉Sometimes it is good to be selfish.

👉Experience comes from doing things.

👉People will always have something to say. And you will always have a choice whether to acknowledge it or not.

👉Relationship is not a need. Being single is happiness.

👉Start with small. Keep on doing. Maintain it forfew days.Increase it bit by bit with each passing day. Reward yourself. Feel happy. Repeat.

👉Regrets are not supposed to be forgotten, they are to be kept alive so that you do not forget the lessons you learnt from them.

👉No matter how difficult the situation seems, it will change.

👉Go out and show up often. Explore places. Step out of home.

👉Listen to your heart, your intution. Always.

👉Be ready for change.

👉Do it yourself. Less of expectations.

👉Time passes much more quickly than you realize. Value it.

👉Believe in yourself. No matter what worlds says.

👉At the end everything will be perfect, if its not then its not the end keep trying!

👉Sorry is just not a word. It’s a feeling which saves relationships. Use it wherever needed.

👉Last but not least, Breathe. Smile. Move on.


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